Data protection statement
The data protection statement has been published on 27 October 2023
Premium Pet Zone Oy
Business ID 3391542-6
Contact person
Heidi Kohonen
In brief
The website is made on the website platform. Our website uses cookies, through which we receive information about the use of the website and analytics. In addition, we collect personal data through forms to be filled out separately.
1. What personal data we collect
When you visit our website, your computer automatically sends certain technical and other information to us, such as your IP address and browser type. The website uses cookies, through which we collect information about your use of our website.
We can also process and store the following data:​
Website browsing and search data, cookies
Data related to the use of Wix services and related to analytics
Our website has forms that can be filled out separately, such as the contact request form and the pre-order form. Through these forms, we collect name and contact information.
2. How and why we collect personal data (Cookies and forms)
Cookies are short text files that the web server stores on your device. They collect information about how you act as a user on our website. Cookies store your browsing data and improve your user experience through it. Your consent is required for cookies to be enabled.
​We use cookies to ensure the functionality of our site and to develop it. In the cookie settings, you can give permission for cookies that collect personal data, and in the settings you can influence the purposes for which we can use the information we collect. It is good for you to know that if you disable cookies, it may limit the functionality of our website, so we recommend accepting cookies.
​You can also manage cookies in your browser's privacy and security settings, and you can prevent the registration of cookies by configuring your browser to disable cookies. Listed below are the most common web browsers, whose own websites provide information on the management options they have for cookies.
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Microsoft Edge
!!! Please note that if you go to our Facebook or Instagram page via our website, their privacy and cookie practices​ !!!
We also collect information through various forms.
With the contact request form, we collect the following information
First name
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
We need the information to contact you.
The person who fills out the form can join our email list if they wish, and they will be sent regular information about current offers and issues.
The form has been implemented using wix's form tool, and the information entered into the form is saved.
The pre-order form is aimed at consumer customers, and pre-orders can apply to any product that is sold in the online store and delivered to customers later.
With the pre-order form, we collect the following personal data:
First name
Last name
Email address
Telephone number
Personal data is collected so that it is possible for us to manage orders. We need contact information in order to if necessary, we can contact you in matters related to the order. In addition, the information is also needed for possible invoicing for situations, if the customer does not pick up the ordered products. In such cases, invoices delivered to the person by e-mail.
The pre-order form has been implemented with Wix's attached Formbuilder tool. Through the form, we collect the filled-in information, and the IP address, device and browser information are also saved. Premium Pet Zone Oy manages orders on Wix in his service.
Wix Privacy Statement
If the subscriber wishes, he can join our email list, through which he will receive information about future pre-order opportunities. In these cases, we add the name and email information provided by the person to our pre-subscriber email list, which we manage through wix.
After sending the pre-order, the subscriber will receive an order confirmation in his e-mail from the address The same information about the order goes to Premium Pet Zone Oy at
​3. Keeping personal data safe, handing over personal data and storage period
The website was created on the website platform. The system is maintained on servers whose technical maintenance and data security is responsible for Wix.
At Premium Pet Zone Oy, only designated persons have access to the Wix service, and a username and password are required to log in.​​ Premium Pet Zone Oy may share the right to use the wix service it uses in situations, in which case the administration of wix (websites and related functionalities) is acquired as a purchase service from outside the company. Such a partner outside the company processes personal data according to the same principles as Premium Pet Zone Oy.
- requires certain cookies to function so that websites made through the service can function. You can take a closer look at the road protection statement for Wix, which is the Privacy policy written in English
In section 5 of the privacy policy, you can read more about where Wix stores personal information and where it is possibly transferred.
Premium Pet Zone Oy uses the collected information only for the purposes described in this privacy statement.
Our site does not contain advertisements from third parties.
Personal data is stored as long as it is necessary within the framework of the law.
4. Information about the right to personal data
In relation to your personal data, you have the right: ​
check what information about you is stored in the register, correct information and request deletion of your information
transfer data from one system to another
restrict or object to the processing of your data,
withdraw your previous consent to data processing
file a complaint with the supervisory authority
prohibit the use of your information for direct marketing purposes
Written requests regarding personal data should be made to:
We reserve the right to updates and possible changes to the privacy statement. Such situations can be, for example, the implementation of certain additional functions on the site. In connection with updates, we mark the updated date on this page as well as the information to which the change/update applies.